

BrightWind has over 90+ years’ experience working in wind resource assessment internationally. We have brought thousands of MWs of projects from site selection through to financial close developing vast experience in the services listed below.


Site Search & Selection

Finding and selecting the correct site for development is critical for a wind project success and profitability.

BrightWind has extensive developer experience entering into new markets to find the best resource locations. As the resource is the most important criteria, our experience is invaluable for you finding the right sites. We study the region’s meteorological patterns as well as interpret wind speed maps to locate the best sites. This combined with other local constraints allow us to identify and select the best sites with the highest potential for success.

Layout Design

The first layout design is crucial. BrightWind designs layouts that are buildable giving a realistic megawatt capacity in the early stages of project development.

Detailed designs of wind turbine layouts are produced taking into account equipment specification, resource, terrain effects, obstacle effects, exclusion zones, noise, shadow flicker, road setbacks, grid line setbacks, environmental constraints, to name but a few.


BrightWind are experts in resource measurement, advising on measurement campaign strategy, instrument specification, design, IEC standards and placement of meteorological station(s) including SODAR and LiDAR for wind.

The measurement campaign strategy will be tailored to balance your needs and budget. A well thought out and implemented measurement campaign is critical in providing the quality data required in order to maximise your project’s returns but at the same time minimising upfront costs.

Once you have a met station installed it is vital it achieves a high data recovery rate. To help you reach this goal, check out our data monitoring service.

Data Monitoring & Management

Having BrightWind monitor your data can save you from an important but tedious, time-consuming task while at the same time increasing project returns. Data monitoring is the process of analyzing data from measurement stations making sure the instruments and logger are working as they should. On a daily basis we assemble, process and analyze the data looking for failures or suspicious records thus increasing overall data coverage which in turn increases project returns.

The data monitoring service is for wind farm developers who want their data looked after by experienced, competent wind analysts. Utilizing BrightHub you have secure access to your data anytime where you can review the monthly reports providing up-to-date key statistics enabling you to make the most accurate and informed development decisions throughout the development process.


BrightWind produces resource and energy production estimates in the very early stages of projects based on resource maps, meso-scale modelling or nearby reference stations. This early-stage resource analysis gives an indication of the resource available. Coupled with this, BrightWind’s experience in developing practical layouts and energy production estimates produces a solid assessment to ensure the right development decisions are made.

Once measured wind data is available, a rigorous quality control and detailed analysis can be performed. Correlating this measured data with nearby reference stations or meso-scale models delivers the best estimate for the long-term resource. From this high quality resource analysis and developed layout, the energy production can be calculated. This low uncertainty energy production estimate, based on quality measured data, will maximise your project’s returns.

Acquisition & Due Diligence

Based on our unique developer’s experience in acquiring projects around the world we offer investors invaluable insights into project risks and mitigation as part of our due diligence service.

We provide straightforward realistic estimations of the project size, resource and energy production along with an uncertainty assessment to calculate the P90s or P99s. We also highlight the main project risks, from a resource point of view, to reach financial close and offer mitigation strategies to achieve this.

From our developer’s experience acquiring projects, we realise that a fast turnaround is important to assess the project’s financials and develop your negotiating strategy. We aim to deliver quick turnarounds so you can meet your deadlines.